Train Cargo Services

Train Cargo Services

Our tie ups with Indian Railways allow us to offer to our clients facilities of bulk movement of goods on trains. Seeing the heavy movement of goods in the Delhi -Chennai sector, we have made for our clients special provisions that allows the fastest movement of goods in the industry.

  • Fast delivery
  • End-to-end solution available
  • Safety & Compliance

Trains are capable of transporting a large number of containers that come from shipping ports. Trains are also used for the transportation of water, cement, grain, steel, wood and coal. They are used because they can carry a large amount and generally have a direct route to the destination. Under the right circumstances, freight transport by rail is more economic and energy efficient than by road, especially when carried in bulk or over long distances.

The main disadvantage of rail freight is its lack of flexibility. For this reason, rail has lost much of the freight business to road transport. Rail freight is often subject to transshipment costs, since it must be transferred from one mode of transportation to another. Practices such as containerization aim at minimizing these costs. When transporting point-to-point bulk loads such as cement or grain, with specialised bulk handling facilities at the rail sidings, rail mode of transport remains the most convenient and preferred option.

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+91 96259 35011 / 962593 5015
We are open 24/7 for assistance